we have more than 1 year working on this, because I stopped coding for SA. it gave us a lot of problems this thing... but finally here is... You can find it, in my ARCHIVE as Obito Kamui How to USE; (watch video) Aim Weapon = to aim a ped Aim Weapon + Fire Button = to select ped for jutsu TAB + 1 = to teleport into map TAB + 2 (or fall) = to go back Author Notes; --by default is turned on. to turn it off, open -> obito_config.ini and change this; [MODE] value = 1 for this; [MODE] value = 0 --if you don't like to kill peds, change the "quantity" of damage that will receive the ped. [HEALTH] value = 100 --if you don't like Shader Effects, change this; [SHADER] value = 1 for this; [SHADER] value = 0 I added the skin also, it is fully compatible with my HUD-full burst. to change the skin type as a Cheat; tobiskin or do it by your own way. WARNING: Shader Effects needs that your Graphic Card ...