Difficulty: Easy
What is GOSUB? What is CALL SCM function?
How do we use them properly?
gosub is a sub-process that normally we use, when we want to hide some action in the code. It takes all the variables used in the thread.
the gosub has this form:
gosub @sub_routine :sub_routine {code} return
the code will automatically jump to the :sub_routine Label, when the job is done, will return to the same point.
to understand better, I'll show you some examples:
{$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then 5@ = 10 gosub @Get_Square 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "the square of: %d is %d" time 5000 5@ 7@ end goto @start :Get_Square 0085: 7@ = 5@ // (int) 0085: 6@ = 5@ // (int) 006A: 7@ *= 6@ // (int) returnIn game press: Backspace and will print on screen: "the square of 10 is 100"
but take a look at the code, we only give to the code the First parameter. ( 5@ = 10 )
then we use the sub-routine to calculate the Square of that number.
But, take in count that the variable 5@ can be changed inside the gosub, and will affect all the code.
we can do this:
:Get_Square 5@ = 5 0085: 7@ = 5@ // (int) 0085: 6@ = 5@ // (int) 006A: 7@ *= 6@ // (int) returnand the result will be: "the square of 5 is 25"
why? because the calculus will use the last parameter assigned. in this case 5@ = 5
we can also use the gosub in a condition:
if gosub @sub_routine then end
an example:
{$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then 5@ = 10 6@ = 20 if gosub @compare_values then 0ACE: show_formatted_text_box "%d is major than %d" 5@ 6@ else 0ACE: show_formatted_text_box "%d is less than %d" 5@ 6@ end end goto @start :compare_values if 001D: 5@ > 6@ // (int) then 0485: return_true else 059A: return_false end returnThe result will be: "10 is less than 20"
and if you change the values: 5@ = 20 | 6@ = 10
the result will be: "20 is major than 10"
Call SCM Function uses two opcodes: 0AB1 and 0AB2
The opcode 0AB1 works in the same way as the opcode 004F(004F: create_thread @MS_BIKE_MISSIONS) but, it has the hability to return values, using the opcode 0AB2.
Call Scm Function has this form:
0AB1: call_scm_func @GetSQR 1 10 $result :GetSQR {code} 0AB2: ret 1 0@
lets see the opcode 0AB1
0AB1: call_scm_func <thread> <param_count> | <param1> <param2> ...
As many as the parameters count says. Those params can be a number or a local/global var, indipendendlty for what it's their offset.
lets see the opcode 0AB2
take in count that, all passed params are stored in a progressive offsets chain which starts always from 0. So the 1st passed param will be stored in 0@, the 2nd in 1@... and so on until the max local var offset (33@).
lets see some examples:
a Condition Example:
In the opcode 0AB1 we passed One parameter: $PLAYER_ACTOR
take a look in the label :isActorDriving, now the variable ($PLAYER_ACTOR) is stored in the variable 0@
if we pass another parameter, will be stored in the variable 1@, if we pass another parameter will be stored in the parameter 2@, and so on.
Look the opcode 0AB2, In this case, there is no need to return a value. So, we set it to 0.
another examples:
good luck!
0AB2: ret <param_count> | <param1> <param2> ...
take in count that, all passed params are stored in a progressive offsets chain which starts always from 0. So the 1st passed param will be stored in 0@, the 2nd in 1@... and so on until the max local var offset (33@).
lets see some examples:
{$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then 5@ = 10 0AB1: call_scm_func @Get_Square 1 Passed_Parameter = 5@ -> Stored_Result_IN = 7@ 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "the square of: %d is %d" time 5000 5@ 7@ end goto @start :Get_Square /// here 10 is not stored in 5@ anymore, now the variable 0@ is equal to 10 (read above) 0085: 15@ = 0@ // (int) Lets copy the variable 0@ 006A: 15@ *= 0@ // (int) 10 * 10 0AB2: ret 1 15@ // returned valuesthis will work as the example of gosub,
In game press: Backspace and will print on screen: "the square of 10 is 100"
We passed only ONE parameter (5@) and we returned ONE parameter(7@)
{$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then if 0AB1: call_scm_func @isActorDriving 1 actor $PLAYER_ACTOR then 0ACA: show_text_box "yeeah Player is Driving!!!" else 0ACA: show_text_box "nope, walk is better" end end goto @start :isActorDriving { 0@ - actor } if 00DF: actor 0@ driving then 0485: return_true else 059A: return_false end 0AB2: ret 0This code will check if you are driving any car.
In the opcode 0AB1 we passed One parameter: $PLAYER_ACTOR
take a look in the label :isActorDriving, now the variable ($PLAYER_ACTOR) is stored in the variable 0@
if we pass another parameter, will be stored in the variable 1@, if we pass another parameter will be stored in the parameter 2@, and so on.
Look the opcode 0AB2, In this case, there is no need to return a value. So, we set it to 0.
another examples:
// SET example {$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then 0AB1: call_scm_func @setActorHealth 2 actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health 100 0ACA: show_text_box "health to 100" end goto @start :setActorHealth { 0@ - actor 1@ - health } 0223: set_actor 0@ health_to 1@ 0AB2: ret 0
// GET example {$CLEO} 0000: :start wait 0 if 0AB0: key_pressed 0x8 // backspace then 0AB1: call_scm_func @getActorArmour 1 actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour_to 10@ 0ACE: show_formatted_text_box "armor is: %d" 10@ end goto @start :getActorArmour { 0@ - actor } 04DD: 1@ = actor 0@ armour 0AB2: ret 1 1@
good luck!
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